Electric Motor Modeling Solution
Simulation software for electromechanical equipment design and development
Key capabilities include:
Support Model-Based Design of Three Phase Induction, Permanent Magnet Synchronous (PMSM), and Brushless DC (BLDC) machines and supporting power controls
Co Development and simulation of machines and controllers
Conveniently visualize machine saturations with model design changes
Reduce development rework and improve efficiency
Generate code using Embedded Controller for motor HIL systems

This module utilizes multi-physics finite element analysis software as well as analytical motor modeling tools for developing electromechanical equipment. Companies and universities are using this product for improved development of magnetic components such as motors and actuators, as well as power electronics components.
Utilizing this method a user can analyze subtle differences in shape and magnetic characteristics of designs thus best optimize architecture for a particular set of design criteria. The ability to co-simulate control algorithms with particular motor models helps users validate their drive system before hardware prototypes are built thus reducing cost and saving time.

AC Induction Motor Model
r1 + jx1 is the stator resistance and reactance
rc + jxc is the core loss and core reactance
r2 + jx2 is the rotor resistance and reactance

Induction Machine Losses Segregation

Three Phase Induction Machine Model & Six Step Inverter Control Graphic Model

Torque vs Speed Three Phase Induction Machine Models Results

FEA Analysis from Design